Well, Lookie Lookie

Donna, this one is for you.  There was much discussion last week about the “Duck Face” thanks to Joey’s post.  There was also a ton of talk about the video of the young lady who walked through Manhattan and was subjected to some shady comments being directed her way, as well as, a good deal of what could easily be called harassment.

So, during Sunday’s podcast (The Estrogen Episode), we brought both topics up.

The Duck Face post

10 Hours of Walking in NYC video

Hear the podcast here

The one and only Donna Ardizonni commented that the girl in NYC “wasn’t necessarily Gina Lollobrigida.”  Crickets.  Some of us didn’t necessarily get the reference at first.  What she meant was that she was no super model…she was just your average young lady.  Nor was she acting all “look at me” like some of the girls who take selfies all day long of their Duck Face and then smack them all over social media.

So, curious, having heard the name, I wanted to refresh my memory of who exactly Gina Lollobrigida was.

And lookie what I found.

Gina herself doing the Duck Face!  Well, kind of.
