
To contact GMG or leave listener feedback for use in upcoming podcasts email goodmorninggloucester@yahoo.com
We have a very simple agenda here at GMG- To Have Fun.  To Make Friends.  To Laugh Every Day, and to Go After Every Win/Win Situation We Possibly Can. Up With Gloucester!
For More In Depth History You Can Check Out The Good Morning Gloucester Wiki Page on Wikipedia by clicking the picture below

115 thoughts on “About

    1. Thought you’d want to know….

      Fishing Families & Friends Health & Safety Day
      This Saturday April 17th 9-3 pm Coast Guard Station Gloucester
      Rain or shine
      Free Health Screenings and vaccinations, lunch, CG Safety Stations, kids activities Raffle items – Floatable bibs, First AID kits, IPODS courtesy of GFWA, MFP, NHS
      Sponsored by the Healthy Gloucester Collaborative, US Coast Guard, Northeast Health System

      For more info call Kathy Day 866-964-4604


    1. What great pictures.. I googled Niles Beach and got connected to this wonderful site. I lived on Eastern Pt ,my Dad owned and converted the old Rockaway Hotel on Rocky Neck way back in the day. Great to visit your site..thank you


    2. I’m trying to reach Joey Ciaramitaro. I’m calling from a Boston TV show and was given Joey’s name as a good person to contact. Can I reach him here?


    3. Capt Joe…sitting here with Derek K in Tampa hearing the story about him getting his ass kicked at the dance when he was a teenager! Let’s go fishin’


  1. Hey Joe:

    This is the first time I have visited your website. Your blog was given to me by the Rockport visitor’s center. My family and I are very interested in being part of your blog. Known as the Gloucester Fleet, we are a new deep sea fishing and charter business running out of the Cape Ann Marina. Our boat is called the Lady Sea. Visit our website please @ gloucesterfleet.com

    Thank you for your time.

    The Family of Booty, Carolann & “Captain Mike” Mann


  2. Joe:

    I got some great photos from Sunday, including the “flag” shot. Took ’em from my kayak. You want ’em?



  3. Hi Joe,
    Really, really enjoy your work and sense of humor. My wife and I look for updates every day. If possible, can you show my new Rockport community site in your blogroll? It is http://www.sandybayday.com


    P.S. Very impressed by your use of WordPress, Vimeo, Flickr, Twitter, Slide, etc. – all the latest and greatest cutting edge sites. You are a good ting for Gloucester.


  4. Hey Joey,

    As I promissed you last night I am chcking out your blog for the first time ever, and leaving a post! This is my first time ever posting to a blog-and was a little unsure of where would be the best place to leave my comment, and decided to leave it here, hope that is acceptable to you! Looking forward to checking out all aspects of your site as I have downtime today at work. Hope to see you all again soon-the girls are ADORABLE!



  5. Amy,

    your credibility has just zoomed northward as you kept your promise!


    The girls are kinda cute aren’t they? Thank goodness they look like their mom and not my ugly ass.


  6. I mostly use a Sony H3 but sometimes indoors at dinner I’ll take along my smallish Sony DSC-P200.

    Thanks for the compliments, I try but still have lots to learn.


  7. Joe, Just found your web site its great! I read the history on Capt. Joe I loved it . Great Job!!!!!!


  8. Thanks Charlie. Glad you like it. Make sure you subscribe and the updates will come to your email in the morning. Just click the little place where it says subscribe in the top right part of the page.




  10. We all love your website and look forward to the morning email of your photos. A great way to start our morning! I have sent your website address to many people who have moved from the area and they all agree – you are incredible with that camera. Keep up the great work.

    Adele & Ladies in the Office
    Babson-Elwell & Davis Insurance
    44 Blackburn Center


  11. Hey Adele, that was about the nicest thing you could say.

    Thank you so much. Comments like yours make the energy and effort all worth while.


  12. Thanks for your video @ the Farmers Market. Joe Schulz is my son and I live in WI so it was awesome seeing him participate in this event.
    What a good guy and fantastic chef huh?


  13. Joe and Christian did a fantastic job.

    I had a lot of fun making that short movie, and I still haven’t let Eric from Passports live it down(even though I was egging on both teams to make for a better build up).

    It was a great event.


  14. Hi Joey,

    My husband is very interested in tracking down a Joey & Johnny Palazola that grew up in Chicago. By any chance were you named after your father and did he grow up in Chicago?

    Thanks for your time,

    Becca & Jerry De Gracio


  15. Hey Joe !
    Found this blog because of your donation to the Cape Ann Chamber Auction.
    I have visited almost everyday since then.
    I have lived on Cape Ann for 34 years now and every day I learn something new from your blog.
    For example today I bought two Starfish pillows from Helen Parker Textiles on Broadway in Rockport. Saw them on your blog.
    I drive by the place at least twice a day on the way to my shop on the Neck and I never stopped in.
    Eurkea what a find.
    “GoodMorning Gloucester” is great “Hello Cape Ann”. and “Wake Up Rockport” could be two more blogs.

    Keep up the good work you are documenting history.

    D.J. Bearskin Neck Leathers


  16. Hey, thanks DJ!

    Did you tell the good folks at Helen Parker Textiles you saw her stuff here on GMG?

    There’s a great Rockport going on right now called SandyBayDay. Check it out! They are friends of GMG and have alot of the same outlook on running a website as I do. Positive and Fun attitudes.


  17. So it is four in the morning, up as usual. Poor Dave…. you’ll see him in about and hour and a half, don’t ask him about last nights sleep. Thumbs up for the Saturday block party we made it through the big three-o just fine, it was a grand surprise and no one got sick, but slightly hung down!! Love the family pics, maybe a fishing families thread would be fun.


  18. Dear Joe, Many thanks for the fabulous photos of Plum Cove Grind !! Sorry I missed you that day you were taking them.You made everything look so delicious.
    I’ve been enjoying your site from time to time- and telling every one about it! Many thanx for your progressive contribution to the community! Hope to meet you next time.
    Meredith Glaser, Owner of Plum Cove Grind


  19. Joey,

    Happy Birthday to a wonderful person that adds so much to Gloucester. We could all learn from your positive view on life and the world.

    Have a Great Day & We all Lov Ya.


  20. hey joe, since moving to az i go on your web site every morning to get the latest poop. i miss the ocean but not the cold. it’s 6:10 and 64 degrees. one of my favorite things is your pictures of your kids . you can tell you love them to death and their cutties. your a good dad and a good man joey . i do miss messing with you and frankie every day he is a good shit also tell him hello for me. my wife misses finding funny t-shirts for you. we will see a funny one and she will say i bet joe would like that one. any how keep up the great work on the blog and tell dave j. to keep keeping it real. i have to call him .his little girl must be getting big by now.my wife loved it ,everytime he would talk about her he had this big grin on his face. you can tell someone who will be a good dad. ok later , i’ll send you pictures soon of my new bull . he wii be in the rodeo finals in texas next month. shawn


  21. Mornin’ Capt.
    I read your blog everyday and I never thank God for the beauty of Cape Ann and her people.Your pic’s are awesome and I was wonderin’ what camera you use and did you just start shooting or have you done it forever? Thank you for your humor,wit and devotion to Glousta.I love this stinkin’ island !!!!!!


  22. For most of the pictures I use a Sony H3. It is not as good as a DSLR like a Nikon D40 which my wife has but it is a nice compromise of smallish size with a ten times optical zoom. It wouldn’t be practical for me to lug a big camera around and at least half of the shots I take are of the spontaneous kind which wouldn’t happen if my camera wasn’t on my person when something took place.

    I’ve been shooting for a couple of years but in no way do I consider myself a professional. About half the shots I take are with the automatic settings unless I know there is something I want to mess with and I’ll make a manual adjustment.

    There are many far greater photographers than me who have blogs like Steve B, Jay Albert, Jim Barber, Sharon Lowe, and Mark Teiwes. What I think I bring to the local blogging world is a combination of journalistic flair, and I’m not intimidated to get in someone’s grill with my camera. I like pictures of boats as I take my fair share of them and I like pictures of the harbor but the work I like the most is the personal shots of people doing something or up close that can tell a story. I’m in sort of a unique situation because I know so many diverse people between the restaurateurs, fishermen, and artisans around town and I’m also sort of a tech geek so when you put all that together I think it makes for a semi-interesting blog.


  23. I saw this link on a comment about the lobster industry crisis on Boston.com. I mentioned it to a friend and he was up for buying some lobsters to show support (and because he loves lobster). Where can we go to buy lobster in Gloucester that the money we spend will go the most directly to the lobster men and women.

    I’m a transplant from the midwest and the coastline of Gloucester is my favorite view of the ocean. Gloucester has been my favorite city so far.


  24. Best Wishes for a Great 2009 for you and your family, Joey! I was driving off the state fish pier this morning after taking a few pictures and could have sworn I heard your voice. There were a few folks sitting in trucks but I couldn’t see if you were in one of them.


  25. Hi Joe,
    I stumbled across you site and WOW what a great site. I love your stories and pictures. It looks like things are going well for you that is great.


  26. hey, i came via Universal Hub, who posted a link to you after the explosion on eastern ave.

    great blog — do you ever spend time in Dogtown researching that area? i find there isn’t enough info online about it. and it seems up your alley for uncovering cool stuff about gloucester.

    i went to gordon, and now live near haverhill, but we spend a lot of time hiking dogtown and enjoying cape ann.

    keep up the good work. your photos of the explosion were great. too bad it had to happen though….


  27. Hey Joe,
    Great site would it be possible to list my marine and tackle store on the blog.WWW.3lanterns also my charter boat operation”Amandamariefishing.com”

    Mike Parisi


  28. Dear Joey,
    what a really cool website! Are you the
    same Joey from Captain Joes where I sold my
    catch when I fished out of Gloucester, if so
    I think its great what your doing! and wish you
    the best!



  29. hey, names frank ciaramitaro jr. dads frank, and grandpa’s joe slush. i just found this site not to long ago. right now im servin in the army in iraq, and i just wanted to say thank you to everyone from back home for all the pics you guys put up… it makes a guy in the desert remember why his home is so important to him


  30. Hi Joe: Over the months I have been following your daily GoodMorningGloucester.org. Congratulations! For me, it’s a good wake-up piece to start my day.

    This a.m. I stopped by your wharf to chat re my own soon-to-be blog site. Upon your return from vacation, I would like to talk with you. I think it would be mutually beneficial. I’ll contact in a week.
    Ron Gilson


  31. Hi Love this site..My Mother and her family grew up in Gloucester. I have on people here any more but I still call it my second home.
    I found a reciept for Pilot crackers here but now I can’t finde it. Can you help me find it?


  32. Heh Joey,
    Thanks for helping me get going in the morning…a few cups of coffee and a few minutes with GMG helps me endure the boring, constant sun and heat here in St. Petersburg, Fla. and makes me wonder why I left such a beautiful place like Gloucester!


  33. What happened to my email subscription to GMG?
    I stopped getting daily emails about 3 weeks ago.
    I miss it and am wondering if I have to re-subscribe?


  34. Re: Late Night Secret Pirate Parade during Fiesta

    Hey Joey
    I mentioned this to you last week when we met. It appears there isn’t a way to make private comments on GMG. drat.

    Pirates (usually 100 plus) come down Prospect, the stairs at the end of Winchester Court and onto Main Street on their way to the Fort or Stage Fort Park, yelling “to the sea” and making other pirate-ee kinds of noise. On the way back, they walk in the middle of Main Street and annoy the drivers.

    pssst, it’s the Saturday night of Fiesta starting at about 10-11pm.

    That’s what I know, although I know people who know people who know more. (^;

    kind regards


  35. Thank you for this wonderful website. It was forwarded to me by my dear friend, Linda Devoe. I am a friend of Ron and Joan Gilson and enjoyed the interview so very much. The tree project was an impressive effort. I am so glad that there are so many people who stepped up to the plate to beautify this lovely city. I was born and raised here and am looking forward to other civic projects that you may be organizing in the future. Thank you again. My heart is lifted.
    Rebecca Dexter Aliberte


  36. I will be making 2 presentations on the tall ships fleet coing to Boston in July 2009. One in Marblehead and one in Newburyport, think it would be good to post them on your blog for your readers.

    To whom could I send word.docs to post ?

    thanks thad koza


  37. Stumbled onto your website…a native of Glouc., now living in So. Maine, I immediately recognized your Good Harbor Beach photo, where I spent many wonderful childhood days. I’ll be sure to pop on when having my morning coffee. Love your photos. It makes me feel closer to home.


  38. Very lovely photos! I’m writing from Italy and I was dreaming travelling to Gloucester since many years. I don’t know when i’ll be in Glouc. in person, but I’m sure I’ll be on your blog every day.
    Capt. Massimo


  39. Joey,

    I thought your picture of the neutered dog was crass, tastelss and ugly. It is not fitting your otherwise very nice blog. I deleted it and any others in my mailbox without reading them in protest. Really crass….


    1. Apparently you’re not the only one. I’ve had several other folks say the same thing. I don’t see what’s so bad about a medical procedure to a dog and thought it worthy of a picture as we’ve befriended ol’ Mako in the past, but it obviously hit a nerve with several folks yourself included.


  40. Hi Capt. Joe –

    I’ve been following your blog for awhile and enjoy it.

    Our organization, the North of Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau, promotes tourism to Essex County and we work with a lot of the Cape Ann folks. I have an new program I wanted to let you know about – Maritime Mansions at Twilight, which features a special tours of a sea captain’s home in a different town each month from June – Oct.

    Gloucester will be featured on Thurs. June 25 at the Sargent House at 7 p.m. with “Reversal of Fortune: Judith Sargent & the Fight for Women’s Rights.” Hear how a loveless marriage, enormous debts, and a great love affair led to the fight for female independence. See works by Fitz Henry Lane and John Singer Sargent in a fabulous mansion near the harbor.

    The tour can accommodate 20 participants and it costs $15 per person. Reservations required. More info (tickets, downloable brochure) can be found on our cultural website http://www.escapesnorth.com/maritime_mansions

    Thanks in advance for helping promote this new program.


  41. Joey
    Love your blog
    I read it every day. I’m now living in Boulder but used to live in Gloucester.
    A couple of suggestions:
    When making a video—use a tripod–your videos bounce around a lot
    Also for your readers who aren’t in Gloucester—what is fiesta? a party put on by St. Peters church? What are the origins of this party?
    I gather there is a lot of alcohol consumption
    And this greasy pole thing. How long is the pole?
    Is it totally covered in Grease? or just sections of it? Give us a brief history if you can


  42. Hello.
    My husband was was born and brought up in Gloucester, (Liberty St) and his dad was also a captain in the fising fleet. We are now living in land locked Vermont, but your site is a nice reminder of the home town. thanks.

    I do have a question.. Remember the old Captains Couragous Restaurant.. When it was operational, it displayed portraits of all the gloucester fishing captains.. Do you know what happened to all these paintings? Hopefully they were preserved. We have been unsucessful at locating them, but thought since you seem to have a handle on the pulse of the community, you might know.

    In any event, thanks for the efforts to keep gloucester alive and well.

    Have fun at the fiesta.


    1. One of the owners of Espresso was part of the family that owned the old Captain’s Courageous I believe. I’ll look into it for you.


  43. Hi Joey,
    I grew up in Gloucester and still have many family members living there, so I’m up a LOT. My brother-in-law is a fisherman and a hero of mine (Joe palazzolo – his boat is the Francesca Carlo). I’ve lost a few friends at sea and I’m so incredibly in awe of all fisherman who risk their lives for the love of the game. A few years back, I got a tattoo of the Fisherman’s Memorial from Leo at the Lion’s Den. It took him 5 1/2 hours to do it and I LOVE it. I’d love to send you a pic, but not sure how to submit a photo. I LOVE your website. My fave pic is of Good Harbor Beach at sunrise. ahhhhhh Great Job! Sincerely, Susanna Gray-Casper (now living in South Boston)


  44. Thank Joey for the Gloucester sticker the Check is in the mail. thank again Joey do you know where i can buy one ot those dory models. i will be back in gloucester for our 60 c;ass reuion on Aug 15 would like to buy one
    Japt Joe


  45. HI JOEY



  46. Wondering if you could point me towards information about the floating house near the bridge… why do they get to do that? what’s the plumbing like? Or is it a municipal building? Where does it live in the winter? It is a daily curiosity!


  47. I’m trying to find information regarding an artist named Thad Call who was part of the Cape Ann art movement in the 50’s. Can anyone tell me anything about this graduate of Mass. school of art in 1932.
    Thank you


  48. Hi Joey, dang but it’s been a long time, brother. With all the people you know I’m sure you don’t remember me, but we used to sell fish to you guys back in the 80’s. You’re doing so much for Glosta and its history. I just stumbled on this site this morning from a link on the GDT page. The first thing I saw here was the song by Earl & Arch, Gloucester till the End. What an amazing tribute to the fishermen and people of this community. I don’t know Mike but he did a great job putting that vid together.

    You’ve got some awesome pics here, too. I’ve always enjoyed photography and just recently made the switch from 33mm to digital. Amazing how far the technology has come in just a few short years. My little Canon SD1200IS can see stars at night that even my own eyes fail to detect

    Anyway, you have a great site going here. Hope you keep it up for a long time to come. I found myself coming back to it several times today to explore it further. Hope your dad and the rest of your family are all doing well. BTW – I had 2 girls also, both of them young adults now. And keep this in mind. Any guy can make a son, but it takes a real man to make a woman. As was explained to me by an old Scotsman. I can tell by your photos you’re a great dad. Keep up the great work.



  49. Hey Joey —

    Big news from LaRosa’s: We are now serving beer (wine to come by next weekend)!!

    Come by for a slice and a cold one and have a second slice on Terry!

    While you’re there, check out his new menu. He’s got a couple new amazing entrees, including Shrimp Mediterranean — fabulous.

    See you soon.



  50. Hi Joe:
    I am writing a book and Gloucester is a very important setting in it!
    I love your pictures and would like to get a copy of the on of Thatcher Island twin lights- could I?
    Let me know.


  51. Hi Joe,is there a way to forward ore-mail a video segment…I am cooking with Laurie Lufkin in the 1st tomato fest video and would like to share with friend s.Thanks


  52. Hello Gloucester.
    I am looking for an old Army buddy. Jimmy Hearn. His wife’s name is Janet. I know they had a little girl Kim and a little boy Matthew. I have lost contact with them and have been searching for many years now and still have not located them. So I reaching out here. we served in the Army in Germany from 1972 until 1975. I would really be grateful for any help from anyone. Jimmy and Janet would have to high school around 1969 until 1972. thank you.


  53. Joey,
    These photos are just amazing. I really liked this morning’s slide show of the Mondello guys. Any chance some of these could be printed as postcards? I think they are so informative for tourists. How many people understand that you have to shovel your boat?

    Thanks for all your great work and thanks for including that slide show. It was wonderful.


  54. Hey Joey, know anything about the valentines that were posted in down town Rockport, Gloucester, and Lanesville store fronts yesterday?




  55. Hi Joey,
    Wellspring Cape Ann Families will be having its 14th Annual Community Appreciation Awards in April. We would be grateful if you would help us spread the word throughout the community. May I send you more info, along with our Nomination Form?
    Thank you!
    Courtney Karcher
    Program Assistant, Wellspring Cape Ann Families


  56. Thank you, Joey!
    I have our announcement, nomination form and a flyer in PDF format. May I e-mail it to you? Or would you like it posted here?
    Thanks again,


  57. Howdy Joey!!! I just uploaded a few of my images to your flickr group. Been a big fan of your blog for a couple years now — thought I’d make a contribution. Keep up the great work!!! Tom Philbrook


  58. Joey,
    Just letting you know Curley the horse and I (AKA “Ruth off the street”) will be doing carriage rides in Rockport on Saturday afternoon. White horse- great for Easter. Pictures on my website. We hang out at the Inn on Cove Hill, where Thatcher road has turned into Mt. Pleasant, right before the stores begin. Call to snag a ride for the Bean and Snoop Maddy Mad. 978-807-5685


  59. My wife & Ispent three days in gloucestewr last july. twodays whale watching & one day deep sea fishing with glousceter fleet{1st time}we had such an enjoyable time that this year we are going back for at least a week.Caroline was the best hostess we could have asked for & capt. Mark was very knowledgeable& the reason we are going to return. Thanks again.


  60. I just found your site through a foodie link in the Eagle Tribune! I have been coming to Gloucester since I was a little kid. Love this site and all the info. Great job!


  61. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can read about this Award at craighill.net/2012/02/19/versatile-blogger-award-nomination/


  62. Dear Joey, What a blessing your website is to me I was born n raised in Glosta off Friend St. Cant travel up there but still have relatives Fr Alves is a cousin.The pics are so great! In my sleep I walk all the old places and remember seeing movies at the Union Hill Theater. [ some silent] Hope that Heaven looks like Gloucester, Mass.


  63. dear joey, i’m having trouble emailing you~ the emails are bounced back, and the phone # doesn’t work. any suggestions? here’s what i wrote: ( there were pictures included, and i tried an email w/out pictures as well)
    Hi Joey,

    I’m a new-ish Gloucester resident ( and long cape ann appreciator ) come over from great neck in ipswich.
    photographer, writer, musician, yoga-ist, pet rescuer, social scientist, long time house cleaner & interior design/ clutter buster, future counselor, yoga & health teacher and all round cool person, lol. I look at your page regularly and have been meaning to send some photos and such.
    Gloucester is fascinating, and i’m glad to be here.

    I have 2 hounds, one, DUNCAN, an american-english coonhound ( lemon-spotted, no less !), southern rescue,
    a really serious tracking/hunting dog. ( pacifist tho, he doesn’t kill, or end the hunt ). One of the business plans i was about to emBARK on
    is an exercise excursion for dogs, or dogs and humans, led my self and my hounds thru the woods… at an appropriate level of fitness.
    these dogs not only lead a good outdoor work out, but they can show you where many different animals live and the paths they travel, etc.
    We enjoy the beaches, and the woods and quarries daily, and get to know the woods and the people and animals in them better and better. This would be an important element of our excursions.

    Sadly, i think Duncan has gone off to do the research on his own. The two hounds slipped out the back of our Lanesville Home. I woke up to find the little one home on the couch looking dazed 2 days later. Duncan has now been gone a week. He was last seen & heard baying/ singing up by Nelson’s quarry last weekend. He knows how to live in the woods, as he did in Virginia, and i have a feeling someone has seen him and is putting out food in hopes he’ll come. And that he’s eating the food and taking off to track again. he’s like an addict when he tracks. So i’m writing to you
    in hopes that some of your readership may have seen or HEARD him ( very distinctive sing-song-y bay)
    and in hopes that some of them might have good knowledge of Dogtown and the Quarry area that they might want to show off.
    I don’t feel i can just leave him out there alone. I’m hoping some people might want to help me search for him, create some search parties.

    Duncan is such a special dog to me. I’ve lost a lot lately, but at least i still had him. Now he’s running around dog town somewhere and i’ve got to somehow find him before he gets his foot caught in a pile of rocks or something. If anyone has seen, heard or can help make search parties for him please contact me
    at: suburban_seaqueen@yahoo.com ( and should i include a phone # ?)
    Thank you in advance !!

    alexandra stella d’maris


  64. Hi Joey,
    Any way you can help promote this? This is what I posted on Facebook, but there’s no way I can reach as many people as you can! Thanks for considering…

    Hi all, my husband Sal Di Stefano and I are fairly new to Rockport MA A friend of ours Lisa Glover at Nine Lives Cafe had to close for a bit for a family emergency. She just reopened today. She’s such a positive and civic-minded small biz, we’d like to help her out. We’d like to do a “CASH MOB” at the café tomorrow, (Thursday 8/6/15). I challenge us all to go spend $10 in cash at the café. We “mob” her so she sells out of coffee and pastries. Who’s with us? Thank you for your consideration.


  65. Dear Good,

    I have to say that your blog is one of the best ones that I have ever read. It is absolutely the best local blog that I have ever found. Your love for where you live is deeply inspiring.

    Thank you for introducing me to Gloucester.



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