Maritime Gloucester Pier Stroll

It was a very busy morning with school field trips when we took a little stroll on the pier behind Maritime Gloucester on the Harbor Loop. It’s easy to see why students and teachers like the opportunities these field trips provide. The pier is open to the public and the museum will be open this weekend. Check it out!

Local Author Talk with Sally Goldenbaum on Thursday, May 30


The Sawyer Free Library is pleased to welcome local author Sally Goldenbaum of the best-selling Seaside Knitters mystery series inspired by Gloucester and Cape Ann on Thursday, May 30 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm at 21 Main Street.

Sally will discuss the most recent installment in the series, and the next in the series releasing in November. She’ll delve into what cozy mysteries are and how they differ from other sub-genres, how and why she began writing them, and the process of writing itself.

When: Thursday, May 30 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm

Where: Sawyer Free Library, 21 Main Street, Downtown Gloucester

No registration required. For more information or questions, contact: or 978-325-5500.