Pink House Ospreys

I had heard some talk that a pair of ospreys were nesting in the chimney on the famous (and endangered) pink house in Newburyport, so I wanted to go check it out. Though one of the pair was resting on the chimney when we arrived, it flew off shortly after and then I played the waiting game. Since there was a pair out in the fields hunting, I came to the conclusion it was unlikely that they had an active nest on the pink house. I wouldn’t expect them to leave eggs or hatchlings alone for any length of time. But there is definite evidence that some nest building was going on there so we shall see.

The pair eventually returned to the immediate area though neither actually landed on the chimney this time. It was pretty fascinating to watch them circle, fend off smaller unhappy birds and call to each other. Annie and Squam’s life is much easier to follow but this was pretty interesting also. Not sure what the future of the pink house is but it seems we may not be able to enjoy its view very much longer so I take every opportunity to visit.

Fat Bastard Joey Here To Report On My Fatness

Came back from vacation a big fat sack of fatness. The digital scale don’t lie-

Put on 18 lbs since January but more notable 12 lbs since April 9th. With boating season right around the corner it’s time to buckle down. Short term goal is 195.

How will we do it? This is what has worked in the past with good results.

Morning Fast. No food til 11AM. Power Tea from Shore Nutrition or Coffee and or water til 11 every day. Sensible lunch. Sensible Dinner. No chips, fries, pizza, cookies, nachos.

A solid protein for lunch with some vegies. Meal prep if I can.

After 3 days- Down 5 lbs.

On my way baby!

Yesterday’s meal prep-

Rotisserie Chicken With Sauteed Peppers and Onions and a side of Giardiniera

Dinner last night at Oak to Ember – Caesar salad topped with salmon. First week without a smash burger from Oak to Ember all winter.