FINDING ARMENIA,’ a film by Nubar Alexanian


On Saturday, May 18th at 3:00pm the Gloucester Meetinghouse Foundation will present the premiere North Shore screening of ‘Finding Armenia’ by noted Gloucester resident, documentary photographer and filmmaker Nubar Alexanian in the sanctuary of the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church.

The program will include remarks with an audience Q&A with the filmmaker.  After the screening, a reception with the artist will be held in the Church’s historical room for those who may want to support the completion of the film project as donors.

An intimate portrayal of one man’s search for his Armenian identity, Nubar Alexanian’s ‘Finding Armenia’ not only provides a vital history lesson for those unfamiliar with the Armenian Genocide, but also challenges its viewers to grapple with the profound questions that influence all of our identities. What does the healing of inter-generational trauma look like? What does it mean to regain control of our ancestral narratives? How can these narratives be reconciled with a hostile world? And what responsibility do we have to painful histories, even when they are not our own?

Tickets ($13.50 General, under 12 free) are available at the door and in advance online, with more information, at

The Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church is located on the green at 50 Middle Street, at the corner with Church Street.  Note: the green is closed for renovation but the main entrance is open. Please seek parking on the street and in lots nearby. A side entrance with an elevator is located at 10 Church Street.

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