Dearest Wonderful Friends and Community Supporters,

Donna and Bob Viau share:

On behalf of our Family and Relatives we would like to share our son Greer Viau has received a life saving kidney transplant from an amazing altruistic anonymous living donor we will FOREVER be grateful for. πŸ’• your GIFT OF LIFE for our son.

We are so grateful to the team at the Dialysis clinic in Brookline, the outstanding team of Physicians, Nurses, Support staff, Coordinators and Surgeons at the Brigham and Women Transplant program. Dr. TULLIUS!!!!. The guidance and support of coaches & our mentor and all support from the National Kidney Registry (NKR), the AMAZING applicants that have come forward on Greer’s behalf to be medically qualified to be living kidney donors. To everyone who supported us with providing  generous outreach with news publications, articles, flyers, radio, magnets on vehicles, distributing cards, websites. The most profound Thanks to EVERYONE for Love, Support, Friendship and sharing our message of Hope. πŸ’•

Thursday September 14, 2023 is our beautiful day when we were told this beautiful donor whom we hope to meet in the future gave Greer a wonderful healthy kidney and Greer received it perfectly.  His hospital stay is over. Greer will be coming home to Gloucester today to continue with his recovery as we go forward with the new challenges ahead. It is the GIFT we have waited for! πŸ’• GRATITUDE TO ALL. 

Our family will continue to promote and advocate for  Living Kidney Donorship. The average wait for a deceased kidney is 7-10+ years. There are over 100+ thousand people waiting for a life saving kidney. Dialysis is a grueling process. Individuals who are medically qualified to donate SAVE LIVES. Being a Direct Donor match is incredible. Individuals who may not be a direct match for a specific person can donate “on behalf/ in name of” for someone (in our case Greer) and “bank/voucher” their kidney with the NKR so that someone else’s life will be saved and when Greer may need a kidney later in life or rejection, he will receive one. Vouchers are for life. Multiple lives can be saved through Living Kidney Donorship. Rock 1 Kidney provides so much information. Reach out to The National Kidney Registry to learn more.

With Love, the Viau Family

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