Check out Gloucester Sawyer Free Children’s library upcoming summer events

July 2023.

SFL is busy programming from their temporary location. Check out a few upcoming programs and enjoy scenes from a recent event at the Legion.

Joining Christy at Storytime year round is a Gloucester mainstay for families with little ones!

Recent bustling SFL children’s services event at the Legion, Rainforest Reptiles from Beverly.


July 24 -Bluefin Bash Fundraiser
(This event is sold out)

July 25 – Captain’s Welcome – 1:00pm to 9:00pm
(Captain’s only event)

July 26
1:00pm Tuna Weigh Ins Begin (Open to the public)
5:00pm to 8:00pm BBQ By The Sea (Ticketed event)

July 27
1:00pm to 4:30pm Tuna Weigh Ins (Open to the public)
Closing Ceremony (Captain’s Only)

Or see event pages on Facebook

Stage Fort Park Playground Groundbreaking by Gloucester Rotary

The Gloucester Rotary held its weekly meeting today picnicking at Stage Fort Park prior to breaking ground for their signature project at the playground. From the Rotary website:

The Gloucester Rotary’s signature project is supporting the Stage Fort Park Playground and Bandstand.  Since 2007, the group has gifted several major pieces of playground equipment to the City of Gloucester.  In addition, the group has raised funds to support major repairs and maintenance on the bandstand, including partnering with Precision Roofing Services of New England to replace the bandstand roof in 2021. 

A great turnout hosted by emcee Senator Bruce Tarr, who had several shovelfuls of “dirt” upended!

Maritime Gloucester Celebrates Howard Blackburn Day!

Join Maritime Gloucester as we commemorate Howard Blackburn Day!  On Saturday, July 15, resident celebrities will recite select chapters from Joe Garland’s Lone Voyager book followed by the premiere viewing of “Howard Blackburn: Gloucester’s Most Legendary Fisherman”, a new documentary by Kory Curcuru of 1623 Studios.  

(Coinciding with the Blackburn Challenge.) ??   Maritime Gloucester is honored to showcase the poignant account of Howard Blackburn.  Like countless Gloucester fishermen before and since, Howard Blackburn and Tom Welch were trawling for halibut on the Newfoundland banks in an open dory in 1883 when a sudden blizzard separated them from their mother ship. Alone on the empty North Atlantic, they battled towering waves and frozen spray to stay afloat. Welch soon succumbed to exposure, and Blackburn did the only thing he could:  He rowed for shore. He rowed five days without food or water, with his hands frozen to the oars, to reach the coast of Newfoundland. 

So begins Joe Garland’s extraordinary account of the hero fisherman of Gloucester. Incredibly, though Blackburn lost his fingers to his icy misadventure, he went on to set an astounding record for the swiftest solo sailing voyage across the Atlantic.

Affectionately presented by local celebrity readers and authenticated by Kory Curcuru in his new film, Joe Garland’s Lone Voyager is a haunting saga of survival at sea and a thrilled portrait of the world’s most fabled fishing port in the age of sail. 

Howard Blackburn Day Readings at Maritime Gloucester are made possible thanks to local celebrities who are giving of their time and talent to share this remarkable account.  Readers (in sequential order here):  Michael DeKoster, Julie LaFontaine, Sefatia Romeo-Theken, Ed Connolly, Mary Kay Taylor, Mayor Greg Verga, State Representative Ann-Margaret Ferrante, Bob Gillis, Ruth Pino, Senator Bruce Tarr and Lenny Linquata.   

Following the chapter readings, we will feature the dramatic and touching tale beautifully produced and portrayed in the premiere viewing of “Howard Blackburn: Gloucester’s Most Legendary Fisherman”, a new documentary by Kory Curcuru of 1623 Studios.  

We invite you to join us at Maritime Gloucester’s Gallery on Saturday, July 15 for some, or all of our scheduled programs.  

·       2-5:30pm  10-15 minute readings   

·       5:30-6pm  Light refreshments served 

·       6-7:30pm  Kory Curcuru’s premier documentary viewing

New image for a beach towel

Love going over to Marshalls Farmstand for great veggies, fruit and prepared foods.  Most fun for me is to visit my friends the Alpacas.  You can email at ,call or text 339-234-0776 for more information.  Thank you for shopping local.


GloucesterCast 670 Gloucester Rotary Ground Breaking at Stage Fort Park 7/11/23 Link to Join

GloucesterCast 670 Gloucester Rotary Ground Breaking at Stage Fort Park 7/11/23

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2nd Saturday open mic at the First Universalist Church in Essex

Hi Joey,

Hope this email finds you well. Friends are asking why I haven’t tried to get our 2nd Saturday open mic up on good morning Gloucester, and frankly, I hadn’t thought to ask. 

If possible to include on calendar/monthly:

2nd Saturday open mic at the First Universalist Church in Essex. Signup at 4pm, show starts at 4:15. We have some great features lined up: July 8-Quandering, Aug 12-Peter Crowley & Linda Werbner, Sep 9-Jim Scott

I usually post flyer on Facebook/Instagram too. 

Let me know if you need more info/different format but thank you for running good morning Gloucester!

-Alexandra Kirby–
Pleasant Street Music StudioTeaching students one note at a time

Gorgeous Dusk Along Boulevard

The early evening light was so very pretty a couple of days ago and I couldn’t stop taking photos. As I was admiring the schooners out in the water, a couple of people stopped to ask me about a bird they spotted in the tide pool. Was I a birder? No, but I like to take pictures and identify what is in them……was my response. Anyhow, my camera aimed toward this beauty. I believe it’s a night heron and it just added to the magic of the golden hour at dusk. Thank you to the strangers who pointed it out for me.

Gloucester Area Astronomy Club’s “Welcome to Amateur Astronomy” Night, at the Lanesville Community Center Friday July 14 @ 8:00

Cape Ann Community

On Friday July 14 at 8:00 pm, we’ll have our first “Welcome to Amateur Astronomy Night” since Covid. Like everything we do, there is no cost. If you have ever wondered how to use that telescope in your closet, or what you can see with it, join us. If you have questions like “what are the different telescope designs,” or “how much does that thing cost,” or even “will it fit in my Subaru,” then this night is for you. We’ll tell you where we shop, what not to buy, how we find stuff in the sky, and what we never go out without.

You’ll see five short, fun, ten-minute presentations that address all these questions and more. Telescopes of all types and sizes will be set up inside for you to inspect after the talks, with their owners right there to answer your questions. Come join us, whether you’ve already got a…

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