GloucesterCast Live From Salted Cod Arthouse 6/4/23 Link to Join



GloucesterCast Live From Salted Cod Arthouse 6/4/23

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Jim The Blue Lobster Meets GMG Jim

Our very own GMG Jim met local celebrity Jim the Blue Lobster at its home tank at Maritime Gloucester a few days ago. The blue lobster is rare enough and this one was a little feisty while we were observing it under educator Bailey’s introduction; but there’s also another even more rare Cotton Candy lobster in residence. And this one is growing a new claw! Maritime Gloucester is an incredibly cool place so stop down whenever you can. They are hoping to open the outdoor aquarium area in mid June. Maritime Gloucester is located on the Harbor Loop.

G400+ Athletic Committee Presents Youth Track & Field Day!

Cape Ann Community

G400+ Athletic Committee presents Youth Track & Field Day! Join us on June 18th from 10am-1pm for this FREE event for K – 8th grade aged kids; no experience necessary but pre-registration is required! This will be a fun day outside at Newell Stadium at GHS with a number of events, including: 100M & 200M race, softball throw, (soft) javelin, and long jump.

You can register your kiddo’s at this link:

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