Looking At The Blog Today

I’m looking at the blog today and feel incredibly proud of this thing we’ve created.

I’ll stack it up against any other hyperlocal blog/website anywhere and excuse me if it sounds like boasting but I’m not sure that there is anything else that captures a community essence the way our staff does here at GMG.

Very proud and thankful to have the contributors we have.  You guys are the best.

-The Boss


12 thoughts on “Looking At The Blog Today

  1. You are correct Sir! …. there is nothing out there with the flavor that GoodMorningGloucester has. All of you have every right to be proud of your accomplishments.


  2. This is the best blog about a locale that I’ve seen. I read it every day. Thanks for putting in all the effort it takes to produce GMG.


  3. I wholeheartedly agree – GMG ROCKS and all of you are nothing short of amazing! I was just forwarding the link to a few folks from out-of-town and I described it as the best local blog in the WORLD. Everyone that I have told about it is equally impressed and follows it almost as religiously as moi. I know more about wha is going on in town and basic “did you know” info on history, arts, culture, recipe and much more and then there is fishing in general that I am learning more and more about every day from this blog. Then there are the personalities and pics and videos and sheer fun of all the posters.



  4. I live in Oregon. When I call my family in Gloucester, they are amazed at how much I know about what is going on there. I tell them I read them to read the GMG blog. Have also e-mailed it to friends here. Also have 2 GMG “Stickahs” on my bumper.


  5. It would be hard not to have the most awesome blog in the world with the swirling, postive, contagious energy of Joey C. and the beauty and “sheer embarassment of cultural events” that Gloucester has to offer. We love you Boss Joey.


  6. In a few years when I reach retirement age I am thinking seriously about moving to Gloucester. I have family in the area, which is the biggest draw, but I am getting to know your town and the people who live there through my daily dose of GMG. In a way it already feels like home.


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