Low Tide, Good Harbor Beach, Gloucester, Massachusetts

Picture submitted by FOB Rob Tarr to the GMG Flickr Group

click the picture and select “all sizes” to see it in all it’s full sized glory!

Low Tide, Good Harbor Beach, Gloucester, Massachusetts, originally uploaded by Tarrkid.

2-photo panorama, stitched with hugin, of Gloucester’s Good Harbor Beach, with the Hess House on the right. Taken from the Bass Rocks Beach Club.

5 thoughts on “Low Tide, Good Harbor Beach, Gloucester, Massachusetts

  1. That could have been today. Well except for the kid in the water. Was it a nice day or what?

    Winter is over. I took my street markers in. No more snow. Nothing but blue sky from now on.


  2. I had to redo my computer. I emailed most of my things to each of my daughters. To my sister I sent all my GMG. Not all of them came back from her. I think she accidently deleted one page. I LOVE THIS PICTURE.(: When I look at it,I can feel and smell and day dream within every aspect captured by your camera. I am so thankful God knew green and blue would go together.And occasstionally letting mother nature change His color scheme. Wonderful picture. Normal Rockwell of Gloucester. thanks for posting it. Linda


  3. I grew up in E.Gloucester. I married a gloucester girl in1956 and moved away, only to come back in 1959 and lived there till we moved to NH in 1969.

    I remember the Hess House very well. Just after WW-II there were roumors that it had been built or owned by the family of Rudolph Hess, one of Hitlers’ top officers.

    Anyone know its’ full history;

    Bill Hubbard


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