Lobster Molting Video At Captain Joe and Sons

watch a lobster pull itself out of it’s exoskeleton

click the picture to view the video
click the picture to view the video

8 thoughts on “Lobster Molting Video At Captain Joe and Sons

    1. I look at that and all I get is hungry thinking of the recipes that call for soft shelled crab that would be dynamite with that jelly baby in the fry pan instead.

      If anyone sees me purchasing lobsters and there happens to be one of these babies on the premises I am sure there can be something worked out. But likely jelly lobbies never make it out of the family.


  1. Joey, This has got to be the best video on shedding that I’ve ever seen. I love it. No other I’ve seen comes close to yours. I knew lobsters were soft after sheding but I didn’t think that soft. Thanks so much for posting this. That was real awesome. The only thing is, I wish I was there to touch him.


  2. Joey, sixty years of eating those things and I never really knew what softshell meant. Send this girl back to Worcester! Love the blog and all I learn. Keep it up, Sandy


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