Paul Frontiero Sunset Picture Taken From Gorton’s Wharf

Thanks Paulie!

IMG_1301, originally uploaded by CapeAnnPleinAir.

11 thoughts on “Paul Frontiero Sunset Picture Taken From Gorton’s Wharf

  1. Thanks Mike, Thanks All.
    Right place, Right Time. Always try to have my camera and paint box with me. I love being hypnotised by the reflections in the water. I guess it’s my form of meditation.


  2. More than beautiful. Talking about reputations, this may be the time to say to everyone that I’m sorry if I made anyone cringe in their seat after reading some of my blogs. Everytime I’ve told the story about sitting with the shotgun across my lap, everyone laughs (one guy even called my Annie Oakley.) But everything I’ve written I talked about in person, from shaving balls, to shotguns, to doing auto body for a job( well they don’t laugh at that). They just think that’s cool. But I guess hearing it in person and reading it are two different things. Maybe it wasn’t so funny to read it. So I want to say sorry and from now on I’ll watch what I say. And I want to thank Kitt Cox and Kathleen for the nice comments when Joey made me #10. For a while I stoped writing when I figured maybe I shouldn’t have written what I did. It was Joeys #10 that gave me the guts to start writting again. Sorry and thanks again.


    1. Lobsterlady2, In the words of my Sicilian Grandfather “F”em! if they can’t take a joke. Here’s one of my favorite quotes;
      “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
      Dr. Seuss
      Be yourself.


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