What Up Homie?


What Up Homie?, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

3 thoughts on “What Up Homie?

  1. Fishing and Farming. One of the sea. One of the land. Fight all of you, and use your voices as loud as you can,to be listened to. It is the working man and woman who supples the country with their appetites that only the Fish and Farm industry can supply,yet they are treated as though they are not of any importance. My son in law farms 3800 acres with one man. And the rules and regulations get to be ridiculous in our state. Where do people think, what they eat comes from, besides their grocery store? Don’t give in. Fight for what your ancestors began,and believed in,and fought for. 2009 or 1809,the zeal,the love for what you all do is the same love,desire,wage earner.Once a fisherman or farmer,always one,but too many are biting the hand that is feeding them. God bless all of you,and don’t give up or give in. Grama Linda


  2. Joey, When I was at Jodrey Saturday I found out the Homies have a guardian angel. I never got her name but I’d like to give her two thumbs up. I saw one Homie that looked like he was limping a little. Next thing I know this womwn walks up to him and throws a towel at him to try to cover his face. I went running over and tried to get the towel over his head while she was holding his legs. But the little bugger nipped my finger. So she said it was o.k. that she would do it. She was a rehabilitator. When she got the towel over his head I asked her if she thought he’d be all right. She showed me his foot and he had a lot of fishing line wraped around the foot and told me he may loose his foot. I hope not. The poor Homie. At least they can’t blame the commercial fishermen for this one.


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