Trick Or Treaters Poll

We had hardly anyone come to our house.  I’d say there were about 6 or 7 groups of kids.  When walking around the neighborhood with the girls we barely saw anyone and the people we spoke with said there was a huge drop off in participation this year.  Did you notice a drop off in Halloween Trick or Treating?

5 thoughts on “Trick Or Treaters Poll

  1. Came out ahead last night. 160 pieces of candy out (take 2!) but just picked up my daughter from an overnight and her haul was 257 pieces of candy.

    Dropped the jockstrap idea and went with my traditional scary clown. Made the mistake of leaving my creepy clown fingers in the candy and I lost two of them when a kid took them instead of Butterfingers. Hope he doesn’t try to eat one.

    Next year I’ll be the eight fingered clown. Barfing pumpkin now a tradition after eight years. (He blows big chunks.) Tell the kids not to eat too much or they’ll end up like my pumpkin.


  2. This was the first year my wife and I lived in the house so we were delighted to have TONS of kids come. The neighbors say parents from outside the neighborhood drop their kiddos off here because of little to no cars.

    Next year, I’m going all out. 🙂


  3. I almost peed myself joey. last year in magnolia a little kid came dressed up as a cowboy and i thought he looked cool. this year in Payson AZ. a littte boy came dressed up to our door in a suit and tie ? I asked what are you kid, really confused ? He said to me , I am a city kid !!! just thought it was funny because all the little kids around here really dress like little cowboys.


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