Local Colors Debara Hafemann Video Interview

Debara Hafemann from Loal Colors Talks About A Deep Love For The City She Now Calls Home

You Can Check Out Debara’s Website by Clicking This Text

7 thoughts on “Local Colors Debara Hafemann Video Interview

  1. I watched your video again today, and I am so proud of you..you have the sweetest spirit..I am proud to be your aunt..Love you


  2. hello from ohio. mom (ur aunt linda) sent me this video and i, too, am truly inspired by u. u r such an amazing girl. u look so happy doing what u love, Art! keep in touch! love u. hi to aunt sis and uncle harley!


  3. I older I get the more I come to realize just how remarkable the women of our family are. Seeing you after all these years living your life so in tune with the world around you…how could I not be proud to be related to you. It’s a pleasure to know we share the same good genes, must of come from your Brother Gram/my Nanny-I love you…and think of you more and more often these days-but maybe I’m just jealous. God Bless.


  4. As a Southern girl (Birmingham, AL) I had never heard of sea glass until recently. It is absolutely beautiful stuff. And Debara does such a magnificent job putting watercolor and sea glass together. This interview has made me want to visit Gloucester and walk on the beach. Debara seems like a warm caring person. Maybe I’ll run into her on the beach some day.


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