How Are My Peeps Doing Today?


Any big plans for the weekend?

Check in with a commet and let me know what you have for plans this weekend.

Mike Lindberg sent in a cool time lapse video from different locations around Gloucester that we’ll be posting tomorrow morning.  Look for that. 

Sharon Lowe is working on a series of interviews with children of older fishermen.

What would you like to see more of?

Who would you like to see interviewed?

Are there any local buildings you would like to see the inside of?

Give us some feedback and we will try to get you what you want.  We aim to please.

9 thoughts on “How Are My Peeps Doing Today?

  1. I’d like to see where our recycling goes and how the process works sort of like you did the tour of the paint factory. Also, I’m interested in buildings built for the people (post offices, libraries, town hall, etc.) Local history stories, old postcards. Stories from elders documented for posterity. Volunteer opportunities. Lot’s of ideas! More of the tree-planting type projects! All the stuff you’re already doing rocks!


  2. Joey,
    I would like to see inside the bridgehouse at the cut. They always have the blinds down. Would love to see the instruments that make the bridge go up.

    Maybe you already have that video, but I can’t find it.

    Keep up the good work!


  3. Joey,
    Your website is looking great. I am a daily visitor. I love the “beautiful industry” photos and the morning harbor shots. It’s the stuff I miss.
    Also, great job on the Russo fund raiser. You’re a good man.
    God bless,
    Cousin Joe


  4. i will be working at bananas for part of the weekend, then painting. i need to get some more silver leaf, pay my excise tax and get 2 more 24×36″ panes of glass from George’s and 2 more canvas backings.
    i will paint through next wednesday.
    going to a friend’s b’day party for a bit, then over to the gloucester house to hear alek and his A Train.

    that’s it.

    oh, i will use some of the Dead Rotten Fish footage for reference! Thank you Joe. and I have known Toby since he was a wee one. That should go on YouTube!

    so, more fish. love fish.



  5. Joey,
    Your web awakens my soul everyday.Your pics and the lives of those incorporated into your blog
    make me proud and privileged to be livin’ in this beautiful place.
    I would love to see some pictures of the churches on Cape Ann.Also I think a piece on the sculptor,Chris Williams would be great.
    And I’ve always been wonderin’ if the ole’ tool company is still down on the river.
    Thank you for this site,Joe.


  6. Joey, Love your blog, I wake up to Good Morning Gloucester, every day! I love your photography of the harbor, in all seasons, the stories and photos of the fishermen. The great recipes of the
    Mrs. and your mother. (great stuffed shrimp, I tried it). Is there a lobster hatchery around here,
    I went to one down cape cod, it is amazing to see the tiny lobsters fully formed about the size of the top of your pinkie finger, up to when they release them into the ocean. That would be a great video! How about that travel lane on the Piat Bridge, does anyone else think it’s much too narrow to travel, especially at night, and in a snow storm. How do the BIG vehicles do it. Could you video that ride? You are amazing, when do you find time to do all this for us?
    Joey is a Rock Star Blogger!(How about some photos of rare birds on Cape Ann, you could ask for folks who are bird watchers to send in their “rare birds” photos (the kind that fly) like the recent siting of Snowy Owl or White Gull.


  7. How about this for an idea… A day in the life of Gloucester.
    Pick a day, and have all of your readers send in a photo showing what they did in Gloucester that day. You would get an interesting cross section of different people and events.


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