Gloucester Landing Proposal

This is what we could have had instead of the  weed infested I4C2 lot in between the Gloucester House and The Building Center. Public access, public parking, and not to mention probably millions in tax revenue and jobs.

Gloucester Landing Proposal, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

3 thoughts on “Gloucester Landing Proposal

  1. As someone who only moved here about 7 yrs ago, I think this is exactly the kind of thing that Gloucester needs. We have the nice new cruiseport, but I can’t see ships continuing to Gloucester long term if the city is only a debarcation point on their way to Boston. We need businesses and sites that can keep tourists in the city spending their money. We have a beautiful, historic waterfront and it seems like we don’t use it to its fullest potential. There a certainly ways to maintain access for our working fisherman, without leaving, as you mentioned, the weed infested abandoned or crumbling buildings that we have today.


  2. i agree that better use could be done with that spot (but) in that proposal picture the land is alot bigger than the lot is. all that is no way going to fit their (so) what do you get rid of ? building center? it may not be the best or least expencive hardware store but it’s the only one we have , or the gloucester house (but )tourists love it ?and how long do you really think the fishermen will be allowed to stay ? i say if we have a tourist season then why are we not allowed to shoot them ? fix the streets, clean it up, keep it gloucester, do not cater to the tourist ! keep it the beautiful historic waterfront it is !!! people that think to much about the tourist are the greedy shop owners not the working fishermen they claim to be trying to help. the nice new cruise port just uses space the working fishermen have been trying to be able to use for years . because of the nice new cruiseport and places like that the fishermens docking rent is unfricking real. you cant have it both way’s buddy , a beautiful tourist historic waterfront and a working fishing town . look at cape may n.j. they tried that and the fishermen damm near are pushed out of places to dock their boats (or) the docking is so high only the lighliners can afford it .if you want bright lights and lots of tourists move to vegas . i say fix it up for the people that live their not someone who will spend two day’s their. that’s what i am talking about !!!


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