Homie Represents! At The World Cup In Brazil

This is my new all time favorite Homie Represents! photos bumping off Doug Brendel’s KGB Headquarters Represent and Great Wall of China.  Thanks Liz and thanks Frank Ciolino and Shewsberry for making the stickas for us!
Homie is ready for USA Ghana

Elizabeth Neumeier submits-

Elvis loves GloucesterGhana flagHomie at Pipa beachHomie at Tibau beach cliffsHomie watches Brazil tie Mexico Pipa friendsHomie watching USA GhanaSan Diego fansSpeedo fanSuper fans at Natal

Now Knowing That This Year’s World Cup Soccer Tourney Is Being Held In Brazil- An Over/Under Death Poll

Craig Kimberley told me yesterday in the GloucesterCast Podcast that this year’s World Cup Soccer tournament is being held in Brazil.

After seeing some of the riots that happen at regular season soccer matches in Brazil I can’t even begin to imagine how many deaths will occur given the elevated emotional state that World Cup Soccer brings.

I’m gonna pin the line at 500 fan deaths and 2.5 Soccer Ref deaths.

Good times.