While photographing the beautiful young Harbor Seal at Brace Cove this week I noticed a large protuberance centered between the seal’s hind flippers. It’s soft fur looked buffy gold in the morning light and it was much easier to see the seal’s anatomical parts than when photographing a darker, more mature seal. I at first thought the prominent knob was its penis, but after googling, discovered, no, it was a tail! However, I can’t find any answers as to what use the tail is employed. 

The bulging, rounded cone-shape between the seal’s hind flippers is a tail.

When Harbor Seals are on land their hind flippers are often closed together but this little guy was in a lolling mood. I watched him from my perch, where I was curled up on the rocks for some time, as he stretched, scratched, slept, and yawned.

The Harbor Seal’s V-shaped, or as I like to think of it as heart-shaped, nose nostrils close when underwater.

I think the seal is molting. Harbor Seals molt once a year and the fur of younger seals (up until about three years of age) is more uniform in color.

Harbor Seals, like all phocids, have ear holes, but no external ear flaps.

The Harbor Seal feeds predominantly on fish such as herring, mackerel, hake, salmon, flounder, and cod. They also eat shrimp, squid, clams, crab,  octopus, and crayfish. They swallow prey whole or tear into pieces, and use their back molars to crush shellfish. Typically the seals feed at high tide and rest during low tide. Everyday, the adult Harbor Seal eats approximately five percent of its body weight. 

Its hind flippers propel the seal through water, in a sort of sculling rhythm. True seals, like Harbor Seals, cannot rotate their hind flippers and that is why they scooch along on their bellies when on dry land.

The blunt one- to two-inch claws of the fore flippers are used for grooming and for defense. 

Harbor Seal grooming with its claws.

I went hoping for a beautiful sky and and found both sky and beautiful Harbor Seal.

Harbor Seal at sunrise, Brace Cove

Little Harbor Boathouse In Marblehead Offers Sculling Opportunities

LHB logo

Dear Little Harbor Boathouse Rowers:
Make the most of the return of this summer’s beautiful weather and COME ROW!  
Please join us for the below schedule of rowing opportunities!
Echo Rowing Enthusiast
Little Harbor Boathouse Owner

Coached Rows through Sept 1st


Coached Row with Jim Keating

Coached Row with Jim Keating

Mondays:  5:30 -7:30 pm
Wednesday: 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Coach Eileen Dunn:  Aug 30 & Sep 1
Come row with a coach on the water providing tips on improving your sculling technique!
No advanced registration required. Level 1 Completion or equivalent required. 
We’ll be launching by 5:45 p.m. Please be prompt.
All equipment included.

Weekly  Open Practice  ROWS    

Row to be happier, healthier, fitter!

Rowing on Little Harbor

NEW: Saturday, Aug. 28 & Sep 4
7:30 – 9:30 am
Mon. Sep 30
Wed. Sep 1
Labor Day Mon. Sep 6
7 – 9 AM
Row with other members;
non-members may rent Echo Rowing Shells ($28/row)
Anne Malloy, Little Harbor Boathouse Keeper,
on-site to assist you on and off the water!
No Open Row on Wed. 9/8

With 2 months remaining in the season, there’s plenty of great rowing days to enjoy on Salem Sound!  Make the most of the season and enjoy all the body, mind & spirit benefits of rowing:  the most fun and complete aerobic and resistance training work-out and high-calorie burn I know!
Fall Membership $200:
Open Rows included.   Add Coached Rows ($28/session) and Private Coaching as you like.
$100 refundable deposit required for restricted key access to LHB 7 days a week!
Row when it works for you.  Coach sign-off on Level 1 completion or equivalent required.
To join contact:  Maryellen Auger
em:  Maryellen
ph: w: 781-990-3552 | c:  781-504-8420
Little Harbor Boathouse on Gas House Beach

Little Harbor Boathouse

Announcing the

2010 First Annual Fleet Sale


Echo Rowing and Rowing For All are selling our loaner fleet of 3 Echo Open Water Rowing Shells! The sale begins on Sept 5 and runs through the end of October.  Beginning Sept. 5th, you may place a 10% deposit to reserve your boat. Final payment must be made by check only when picking up the boat. Boats will not be available for pickup until the release date of October 30.  In order to guarantee yourself a boat, place a deposit as soon as the boat sale begins. 

Red Echo Open Water Rowing Shell:   List Price:  $3950.  Sale Price:  $2950
Yellow Echo Rowing Shell:  List Price: $3950.  Sale Price:  $2950
Orange Echo Rowing Shell:  List Price: $3950. Sale Price:  $3160.
PLUS: All sales are eligible for FREE WINTER STORAGE at Little Harbor Boathouse! $150 savings!

Rowing For All Program In Marblehead

In case you haven’t seen Joey and Kyle around the dories this week its because they are trying their hand at sculling in Marblehead.These pictures were taken by Kyles mom Michele.Its a program called Rowing For All.For info you can contact Maryellen Auger at These guys are having a blast but they say its not a easy as it looks. If I get more pics I’ll send them along.

