Chronicle WCVB Channel 5 shares Exciting updates from Woman owned Business on Essex Coastal Scenic Byway

These local businesses are bringing a lot of positive coverage and energy about our region. Woman owned Businesses on the Essex Coastal Scenic Byway re-aired March 9, 2018, International Women’s Day, on Chronicle with a new introduction from the hosts because of the trail’s continued success and expanded special offers and plans! Johanne Cassia and Pauline Bresnahan share the news for 2018: Our “Woman owned Businesses on the Essex Coastal Scenic Byway”, a full day shopping destination, is moving forward in several ways.  


  • We are currently updating our brochure, creating special events and partnering with Essex Heritage Foundation. The 2018 printing will arrive in April and  include additional “Woman owned Business on Essex Coastal Scenic Byway”. Shops will still be located on the 10 mile trail along the coast of Gloucester, Essex, Ipswich and Rowley, MA. We have developed a Calendar of Events to market our serious fun businesses. All shops will have refreshments, special products, promotions and giveaways.  Mark your calendars for a trio of 2018 seasonal outings hosted by the Woman Owned Business on Essex Coastal Scenic Byway:
  • SPRING May 5 & 12- “Moms are Everything”, a “special event” , will be held on two Saturdays, May 5 and May 12. We will honor ALL MOMS and invite them to shop with us. This is a “Women helping business Women” event as well: we are inviting other local “woman owned businesses” to bring in their products to our shops. We will give them space in our shops to sell their goods and services during this event.
  • SUMMER August 22,23 – “Harvest Festival” weekend:  Each shop will invite a local farm to partner with them. Local Farms will have tents in front of our shops where they can offer farm products, flowers and tastings.
  • FALL Sept 21-23 and 28-30 “Trails & Sails Weekends” sponsored by Essex Heritage, Salem, MA. We are partners with Essex Heritage Foundation and part of 150 events offered by Trail or Sail on the Essex Coastal Scenic Byway. Each shop will offer a demonstration event on these dates. For more information about Trails and Sails :  Essex National Heritage is in the process of building a new and better website. We’ll have our own shopping destination page and sub pages for each shop!
  • Several organizations and groups have offered mini-bus tours since we unveiled our trail
  • People ask where can you find the brochure? Contact Essex Heritage they will have the brochures, or any of our businesses. Our FB page is


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Woman owned business on byway