Long Wharf Newport, RI Docks

Long Wharf Newport, RI Docks, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Long Wharf dock with covered barrels of bait. They use skate down here for bait. The seals prove to be the same pain in the ass to the lobstermen down here that they are home in Gloucester. They use skates because the seals tend to leave the traps alone as opposed to using herring like 95% of our lobstermen use. This time of year the seals will rip the doors off the lobstertraps to get to the herring.

Long Wharf Newport RI

Long Wharf Newport RI, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Many Commercial boats tied up here. Got up at 5:00AM(habit). Took a walk down to the dock to try to find some fishermen. The strong winds proved lucky for me as I got to jaw with a couple of lobstermen.

We talked about bait and lobsters and seals. Regular guys.

Even in a place that is touted as a prim and tidy place as Newport, I now know there is no simple way to keep all the fishing gear strewn about to look tidy. It is what it is folks. Weather it’s Newport,RI or Gloucester, Ma it’s not stuff that necessarily stacks up and stows away neatly. I feel much better about this after seeing the gear strewn all over the place down here on Long Wharf.

That’s the reality of it.