Portuguese Sweet Bread Ham and Cheese Panini



I’m sure I am not the only one sneaking a little piece of Easter’s leftover ham from the refrigerator the past few days.  Yesterday,  I was busy around the house, lost track time, and missed breakfast and lunch.  Starving with a growling belly, I went to the kitchen to fix a late afternoon snack using leftovers from our Easter feast.  I pulled out a loaf of Portuguese Sweet Bread, a few slices of Honey Ham, and a small wedge brie cheese and placed it on my kitchen island next to a ripened whole pineapple.  After cutting the loaf of sweet bread,  I reached into the refrigerator  for the Dijon mustard, and noticed the bottle of barbeque sauce next to it and the concocting of  this amazing sandwich began!  Immediately after taking the first bite, I called my neighbor working in her yard next door, over to sample the new recipe, she like it so much she called her son over to sample a bite!  This is a must try recipe, especially if you still have ham and sweet bread leftovers hanging around the kitchen!

Portuguese Sweet Bread Ham and Cheese Panini


2 slices Portuguese Sweet Bread

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

1 tablespoon honey

1/4 cup barbecue sauce

2 pineapple slices; cut 1/8 inch thick

2 ham slices

2-4 thinly sliced pieces Brie cheese

1 tablespoon salted butter


1 in small mixing bowl whisk Dijon mustard, honey barbecue, and barbecue sauce together; spread sauce evenly on bread slices

2  butter one side of each sweet bread slice; arrange cheese, ham, and pineapple slices on unbuttered side of one bread slice; top with second bread slice (buttered side facing up); grill on preheated Panini Press 2-3 minutes until sweet bread is toasted and cheese is melted; serve immediately