Fish Ice Cream

Hi Joey,

A shot of B’s ice cream today – vanilla with those red jellied fish as a topping from Kiss on the Neck. It made me think of Bertha’s, a penny candy shop that used to be directly across the street.  That was the first place I encountered those fish as a boy. Every kid in  East Gloucester knew about Bertha’s, and you could buy actual penny candy there – a penny per piece.  You would collect the candy from bins using a small basket, then bring the basket to the register, where Bertha would tally your loot with you and ring it up on and old mechanical register.  She would then put your candy in a small paper bag to carry home.  I could go in there with a quarter and leave a happy customer!

She also had toys, nic-nacs, ice cream and drinks too. Bertha was a kind old lady, who loved animals, kids and seemed happily married to her artist husband Ollie. Looking back, she was a pretty effective math teacher, too!

~Bill O’Connor
North Shore Kid


Editors note from Joey C:

Bertha’s was a special place.  Sista Felicia and I used to ride our bikes from Harriett Rd over in East Gloucester down Grapevine and to Bertha’s on Rocky Neck where we would spend the $1 a piece our mom gave us to buy penny candy.  100 pieces of candy for $1- it was like heaven.

There was also the East Gloucester Fire Barn (now closed) where the firemen would sell penny candy too and the Yarn Shop where Ciolinos barber Shop is now used to sell Penny candy as well.

Do you have a spot where you would go as a kid for Penny Candy?