Burnham’s Field Gardener – Mary Kay Filos From John McElhenny

The Burnham’s Field Gardener Series

Burnham’s Field is the largest green space in central Gloucester. Recently there’s been a resurgence of pride in Burnham’s Field, including a new 20-plot garden. In some ways, the Burnham’s Field Community Garden represents what’s best about Gloucester: a close-knit, hard-working community that cares for its neighbors. GoodMorningGloucester is now running a series of video profiles of the Burnham’s Field Community Gardeners. Here are their stories.

 By John McElhenny

 Burnham’s Field Gardener – Mary Kay Filos

 Mary Kay Filos explains why she joined the Burnham’s Field Community Garden and reveals her secret for how to create a lush, beautiful flower garden in just a few days.

GMG Q&A- Mary Kay Filos

Happy New Year. Hope you and your family are well â˜ș -mk

How long have you lived in Gloucester?

38 years. – Summered in Gtown since born (1971) – Lived full time off/on for 25 years

 What is your favorite season In Gloucester?

Fall (really late summer/early fall)

Do you have any secret outdoor spots in Gloucester where you go to “get away”?

Yes, but it wouldn’t be secret if I told you ,-)

What is your favorite pizza joint in Gloucester?


What is your favorite sub shop in Gloucester?

Mike’s Place

What place would you go for a romantic dinner in Gloucester?

The Franklin !!!!!!

What is your favorite bar in Gloucester?


What is your favorite local event in Gloucester?


In the summer do you prefer the beach or to be on a boat?


Who is your favorite local artist?

Emile Gruppe (although not sure he qualifies as “local” for purpose if this question???)

Which is your favorite local beach?

Come one
.. Good Harbor. Are there any others?

Excluding GMG what is your second favorite local blog?


Do you prefer haddock chowder or clam chowder?


What were your thoughts on The Downtown Block Parties last year?

They rocked – we should have one every Saturday night from Memorial Day to Labor Day

What is your favorite local band?

Groove Therapy.