“The Last Fish Tale” Writer’s Book Club Event at Duckworth’s ~ Get Your Tickets Now!

Another beautiful jpeg flyer from Chris Anderson at Eastern Point Lit House. Thanks so much Chris for making sharing with our GMG readers so enjoyable.  Also, get ready for some super exciting breaking news from Eastern Point Lit House!




Ready to Ship

After salting, the cod was packed into wooden boxes to ship just about anywhere in the world. To learn more about cod and the Gloucester fishery, read Mark Kurlansky's excellent book: "Cod, a Biography of the Fish that Changed the World." The Bookstore on Main Street has it, and I've seen salted cod in local supermarkets.
After salting, the cod was packed into wooden boxes to ship just about anywhere in the world. To learn more about cod and the Gloucester fishery, read Mark Kurlansky’s excellent book: “Cod, a Biography of the Fish that Changed the World.” The Bookstore on Main Street has it, and I’ve seen salted cod in local supermarkets.