GMG Power Rankings #8

Beth Swan GMG Logo
Beth Swan GMG Logo

Rob Hall/Beth Swan

The couple of Beth Swan and Rob Hall make up the #8 slot in the GMG Power Rankings.

Beth is responsible for the official GMG Logo, winning the contest we ran way back when.  That logo has been used in many campaigns, the Russo Family Fundraiser, Many ads, Posters, Banners and etched coffee mugs.

Along with that, Rob and Beth are frequent commenters in the GMG community.

Very community oriented the graphic design and computer whiz team of Rob and Beth are currently holding down the #8 position in the GMG Power Rankings.

GMG Power Rankings #6

Number 6 in the GMG Power rankings is Paulie Frontiero.

Paulie is the resident funny guy in the comment section.   Always breaking balls, but in a good way.  Paulie is a part of GMG in many ways.

He came through with the printing of the shirts for the Russo Family fundraiser, he contributes photos from events and scenes on the waterfront, and he’s a daily contributor in the comment section.

I can’t tell you enough how much I enjoy reading comments.  It lets us know you’re out there and watching what we do.  That feedback drives us to try to get better and better.

Check out Paul’s blog about painting on Cape Ann here

Smile Paulie!
Smile Paulie!

GMG Power Rankings #5

Laurie Lufkin pulls down the number 5 spot in the GMG Power Rankings.  Laurie is GMG’s resident chef and comes through with her weekly recipe’s and occasional video.

Laurie is very community oriented and is filling a niche that I obviously couldn’t teh cooking niche.  As much as I love food, cooking or describing how to cook is not one of my strong suits.  She brings  positive energy which is essential if you want to be a contributor on GMG and even when I try to get her to talk smack to hype the Seafood Throwdowns, she refuses because she’s such a good egg, lol.

I’m hoping to get Laurie to branch out a little more and be our voice from Essex, reporting on happenings in the Essex community.

Laurie Lufkin
Good Egg Laurie Lufkin

GMG Power Rankings #4

As I said yesterday 3-5 is very difficult to peg in the GMG Power Rankings because on any given day the three contributors could be in a different spot.

The number four spot goes to someone who has been with the blog for a long while and his contributions have been widely varied but ever constant.

Frank Ciolino has been a long time FOB (friend of the blog) and he always, ALWAYS can be counted on.  Frank is a friend that would do anything for you.  The latest batch of Homie Stickers-Frank.  Building a frame for the backdrop of the GMG curtain- Frank.  Etched Glass GMG mugs-Frank.  Helping clean up after the Block Party and organize the media presentation-Frank.  Mkae GMG Banners- Frank.  Take my camera to cover an event when I can’t get away from work-Frank.

His contributions are countless not to mention we love his company when he stops down with son Joey and daughter Mikayla at the dock.  If you’re going to war and need to count on someone to come through for you, Frank’s the guy you want in that foxhole with you.

Much thanks to Franko and family, your #4 in the  GMG Power Rankings

Frank Ciolino and Daughter Mikayla
Frank Ciolino and Daughter Mikayla

GMG Power Rankings #3

Sharon and Mike being #1 and #2 are really no brainers but now we get into complex territory.

There’s a cluster of people who could esily move up and down the rankings in the 3-5 range, but here we go.

In the number 3 spot we have David Cox.  David has an incredible passion for his photography.  You combine that with his love of Gloucester and taking beautiful portraits of people at all of Gloucester’s events and his contributions to GMG have been enormous.

There have been so many events that I’ve either had to manage or not be able to get to due to work and David has covered a good many of them for us.  He still hasn’t figured out how to use a computer  but he makes 3 or 4 cds of his work from each event at Walgreens and brings them down for me to upload.

We’ve been fortunate enough to view David’s work from the Block Parties, The Sail Gloucester and Schooner Festivals, The Annisquam Sea Fair, The Gloucester High Football Games every week, The Sidewalk Bazaar and much much more.

Ernie Morin told me once that it’s easy to take a picture of a person but it’s a gifted photographer that can capture a portrait of those people which capture their essence.  David capture portraits of people- their essence.

He is a gifted photographer and has become a good friend, always making me laugh with his silliness.

David Cox- Loved By All
David Cox- Loved By All

GMG Power Rankings #2

Well number 2 in the GMG Power Rankings is a no brainer.  Mike Lindberg came aboard shortly after the home explosion on Eastern Ave early this year.

Mike emailed me some photos of the house explosion and had really captured the devastating scene.  While Mike does not post every single day, whatever he does post is always a home run.  Mike’s never satisfied with doing anything half assed.

The GMG Schhoner Festival Photo contest was hugely popular, the Gloucester Til The End Video he made with Earl and Arch’s song still gets a lot of traffic, his HDR photography is always something over-the top, his production of the GMG podcasts and intro are top notch.

While we can’t count on Mike’s 3PM post every day, we know when he does have time to put something together for the site, it’s going to leave an impression.

Mike comes in at #2 in the current GMG Power Rankings.

photo from Boru
photo from Boru

GMG Power Rankings

I’m gonna do a GMG Power Ranking feature.  This is all for fun and jest so don’t get all bent up and twisted if I don’t feature you right away if you’re a regular contributor.

I also won’t include myself in teh power rankings as that would be obviously lamo.

#1 in teh GMG Power Rankings is the girl who I first brought aboard.  My very own Robin Quivers- loyal, dedicated and passionate for Gloucester- The one and only Sharon Lowe.

I brought Sharon into the fold shortly after meeting her at last year’s October Block Party.  She had her Nikon slung over her shoulder and was snapping away.  I had a very brief conversation with her that night but felt an instant connection as to what GMG was about and what I wanted it to be.

At the time I was putting out about 6 or 7 posts a day and winter was approaching.  I knew I’d be going on my vacations in Naples and was fretting how I’d be able to maintain the quality.  The blog had already taken off and I didn’t want to let the growing fan base down.

Sharon stepped up initially with one post a day and before long I gave her editorial control and another time slot, the 9AM and the 12PM.

Before long she came up with the very popular Where Zat? game every Monday at noon.  Her contributions have been invaluable and I can always count on her to cover her two posts a day.  If she’s going to miss a post time she’ll also let me know so I can cover it for her.

If I had to put out 12 posts a day I could never keep the quality you’ve come to expect without contributions from all of our team but Sharon is the one constant that I can count on every time.

So give Sharon a shout out and a big congratulations on her #1 GMG Power Ranking.

Keep in mind if she starts to fuck up she will be knocked right out of that #1 spot as the list will be static and ever changing.  More power rankings in the days to come.