Tonight’s Hoola Hoopla

hula hoop

Tonight’s the night for the Hoola Hoopla at the Block Party! The fun will start at 6 with the little kids and wind up at 8:30 when the adults finish! Bring your hoops and your hips and show Gloucester what you got!

A huge thank you goes out to Toni at Tara Montessori, Rich at Iron Rail Gymnastics, and Jen at Metamorphosis Fitness for lending us hoops. And to Carmine at Friendly’s for donating the prizes. Real community spirit!

Glosta  on shirt 2 copy

I will have the GLOSTA -phobic T-shirts with me for $15 each. Sizes L and XL.

Come join the fun at the corner of Main and Center St.!

Glosta- Phobic Translation

Ok- This is what the t-shirt means. It doesn’t mean that you’re afraid of Gloucester. It is a play on the word  Claustrophobia (from Latin claustrum “a shut in place”) – the fear of having no escape, and being closed in.

So Glosta-phobia is that feeling you get when you have been on the island so long it feels like you’re being closed in, and you need to go over the Bridge for a little trip up the line or up the coast.

It’s not meant to be a slam against Gloucester. It’s just a fun way, for those of us who’ve been here for years, of saying “I’m bouncing off the walls of Gloucester, and I’ll be right back after a little R&R over the Bridge.”

Hope that clears up the ambiguity. 🙂

WhaZat? #1 Another prize!

We’ll try something new this week. Instead of a location, we’ll be identifying the object, item, thing, etc. This photo was from a few years back, but very identifiable. Have fun, and if gets difficult, I’ll add more clues!

This week’s winner will get a GLOSTA-phobic t-shirt!

The circles are in the correct place on the object. They’re not scrambled up.

Click on the photo for a closer view.

WhaZat 1