GHS DECA Class Sends 13 To Mass State DECA Competition

Marlee Melvin reports-

This years DECA class was awarded with thirteen Gloucester High School students to attend the Massachusetts State DECA competition in Boston. All students did a great job representing the high school! One lucky student, Ariana Puopolo placed 3rd in her category of professional selling. Her coming in 3rd place out of 12 teams sends her to Anaheim California for the national DECA competition! Along with Ariana, DECA adviser and teacher Ann Grassetti will be selecting Joshua Lane to attend Anaheim with them because of Gloucester earning one slot for the Leadership Academy.  Josh Lane is a strong student who has been working in the business department at the school for the past three years. Congrats guys and good luck in California!!

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The students in the picture from left to right are: Danielle Pomeroy, Ethan Lally, Angela Marino, Katie McTigue, Ariana Puopolo, James King, Lauren Horne, Catherine Movalli, Kevin Rogers, Ally Toye, Joshua Lane, Nate Frontiero, and Hannah Grimes