National spotlight and recognition thanks to Gloucester Elks good works on behalf of returning veterans

Gloucester Elks Lodge #892 was recognized for the community work they do for Cape Ann’s returning veterans, receiving the Edward Spry trophy for being the #1 Lodge in the Commonwealth for veterans activities. Jayne Morse won the Elk’s Volunteer of the Year Award.  The Cape Ann Veterans Service office gives guidance and helps with information for the returning veterans.  ‘Welcome Home to Cape Ann- We Left the Light on For You’ outreach  for Returning Veterans is such an inspiring national model. It couldn’t happen without leadership, support and volunteers. Lots of good eggs here!

all photos are from  Elks Lodge #892 and Adam Curcuru


photos from last years Welcome Home To Cape Ann – welcome home family event hosted by elks, free for all returning veterans and their families, lots of nice donors and We Left the Light on for You local & generously filled swag bag

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