Note to Readers: Coyotes are guarding their dens at this time of year. Please keep dogs on leash at all times.

Photo credit: Sherman “Pat” Morss, Jr.


From the Concord Patch

By Lisa Redmond

CONCORD, MA – Chief Joseph O’Connor and the Concord Police Department would like to advise residents to be vigilant while at the Estabrook Road trail after several dogs were attacked by coyotes this week.

From April 18-20, Concord Police received multiple reports of coyote attacks on dogs in the area of Estabrook Woods.

Three separate incidents occurred where people, who had their dogs off-leash, encountered a coyote near the beginning of the trail on Estabrook Road.

Approximately 600 yards in and on the left hand side, reporting parties noted that their dogs approached what is believed to be a coyote den containing pups.

The dogs flushed the adult coyote, which then bit each of the dogs in their behinds and tracked the canines until they left the area.

The coyote is described as medium to large in size, approximately 60 to 80 pounds.

Concord’s Animal Control Officer has consulted with the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, which stated the coyote is in its own habitat and people should stay away from the area.

The Concord Police Department advises that dog walkers avoid that section of Eastbrook Woods.

Late April through May is weaning season for coyote pups, which means protective adults will be on the alert.

To prevent coyote attacks in areas like Estabrook Road and at home, Concord Police recommend that residents follow safety tips from the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife:

  • Leash pets at all times if outdoors. Small cats and dogs are seen as prey and larger dogs, competition.
  • Do not approach, feed, pet, or try to interact with coyotes.
  • Don’t hesitate to scare or threaten coyotes with loud noises or bright lights.

At home:

  • Cut back brushy edges, as these areas provide cover for coyotes and their prey.
  • Secure your garbage. Coyotes raid open trash materials and compost piles. Secure your garbage in tough plastic containers with tight-fitting lids and keep them in secure buildings when possible. Take out trash when the morning pick up is scheduled, not the previous night. Keep compost in secure, vented containers, and keep barbecue grills clean to reduce attractive odors.
  • Keep bird feeder areas clean. Use feeders designed to keep seed off the ground, as the seed attracts many small mammals coyotes prey upon. Remove feeders if coyotes are regularly seen around your yard.