Industrial Crab Cooker- Kelly’s Fish House Naples Fl

They can cook up to 500 pounds of crab claws in this industrial cooker.  At first I thought they cooked the entire crab but they rip the claws off and cook only the claws and toss the crab back to the ocean to regenerate new claws.  A half ton winch lowers and raises the boiling container out of the vat. 

Video coming up tonight at 5:00PM


Kely’s Fish House, Naples, Fla

Whenever I go on vacation I try to get down to the commercial docks to talk to fishermen or fish dealers.  Kelly’s Fish House is just down the street from my parents crib so I swing by there when I’m in Naples to see what’s up.

Here is Keith working.  I got a couple interviews to share with you guys from Kelly’s to share with you once I edit them.

This is a conveyor that boats pull up to and offload their catch.  There is only a three foot tide in Naples so they don’t have the much larger swings in tide like our 9-10 foot tides in Gloucester.  I was shocked that they don’t have a take out boom but they don’t need it.  The conveyor works out just fine for them.

Kely’s Fish House, Naples, Fla, originally uploaded by captjoe06.


Crab Traps, Naples Fl

Crab traps are very similar to lobster traps but are square shaped instead of  rectangular.  They also have the openings on the top of the trap and do not have knitted heads like a lobster trap.

Crab Traps, Naples Fl, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Many Gloucester fishermen have fished out of Naples at one time or another, mostly longlining for swordfish back in the day.  Mark Ring has a few great stories he tells from his days fishing in this port, none of which I can repeat here.