St. Peter Fiesta photography reunites teacher/studio owner with former student. 🇮🇹VIVA San Pietro Submitted By Cat Cavallini

Doug Johnson, owner of Annisquam Studios, featured Fiesta photos by Walter Bibikow and Good Harbor surfing photos by photographer Daniel Tedeschi, among others. Johnson met Tedeschi 22 years ago when he was his high school photography teacher, and he’s been a fan since! Come on down and check out this show until August 11th at 34 Leonard St.

Doug and former student Daniel Tedeschi

Bob Callahan sculptor

Fiesta photos

Betty and Rita Go To Paris-Michael Malyszko

Renowned modern dancer Janie Brendel and her New York City dance company Janie Brendel & Friends will be performing a portion of their complete show, “Inspired” at the Windhover Center for the Performing Arts.

Who: Janie Brendel & Friends: DANCES to the Music of Brahms

Time: Friday, August 2nd at 7:30pm and Saturday, August 3rd at 7:30pm

Place: Windhover Center for the Performing Arts on the outdoor stage covered by a tent

257R Granite St, Rockport, MA. 01966

Renowned modern dancer Janie Brendel and her New York City dance company Janie Brendel & Friends will be performing a portion of their complete show, “Inspired” at the Windhover Center for the Performing Arts. It is a tribute to Howard Gilman, White Oak, and the dances it inspired.

Janie Brendel & Friends spent three life changing summers in residency rehearsing and creating dances at Howard Gilman’s White Oak, a 13,000 acre conservation center, wildlife preserve, and utopia for dance. The dances are all set to the music of Johannes Brahms, rooted in both its passion and compassion. The works are infused with the luxuriant beauty of this paradise, the powerful spirit of its roaming animals, and the kind generous people who worked there, the White Oak family.  This dance project is being done in the spirit of gratitude, which was the feeling generated by White Oak. They will share two and a half of the four dances, a glimpse of the entire show. The choreographers brought to White Oak were Adam Hougland and Kenny Larson. They also rehearsed and performed a piece by Peggy Baker.

At a time when both the arts and the earth are under serious threat, Mr. Gilman’s vision of dance and nature has never been more relevant. The beauty of Windhover is an ideal setting to feature these works.

Conceived by Janie Brendel

Artistic Directors for Inspired:

Janie Brendel, Roger C. Jeffrey, and Jason Jordan


Janie Brendel, Jennifer Golonka, Roger C. Jeffrey, Jason Jordan, Aaron Loux, Xavier Porro,

Uta Takemura

Program includes: 41 minutes

• Peggy Baker’s “Her Heart” danced to Brahms Opus 117 #1 for one dancer

• Brahms Opus 118 #5 a recording made by our pianist and Musical Director John Gavalchin

piano only, no dancers

• Adam Hougland’s Brahms Opus 91 for piano, soprano, and viola, and four dancers

• Adam Hougland, a 17-minute excerpt of his Brahms Opus 36, string sextet for 6 dancers

Tickets range from $10-$20 and can be purchased in advance at Or go onto the website under the tab: “Performances” and follow the link.

GloucesterCast 734 Livestream 6/30/24 Fiesta Sunday Link to Join

GloucesterCast 734 Livestream 6/30/24 Fiesta Sunday

Link to Join

Audio Podcast Click Here-

Video Podcast Click here-

Saturday Greasy Pole 2024

Congratulations once again to Tyler Parisi for winning the Saturday Greasy Pole competitions. A great deal of grit and determination was demonstrated out there by the walkers last night. Here’s a variety of photos showing some the of the action, near misses and victory celebrations. See you on the beach tonight!

The Margie Gillis Dance Foundation presents an emotional night of solo and duet dance performances at Windhover Center for the Performing Arts, in Rockport MA, for two nights: August 9th and 10th  at 7:00pm. 

Event details: Montreal based MARGIE GILLIS and Company

Dates: August 9th and 10th at 7:00pm

Location: Windhover Center for the Performing Arts on the outdoor stage covered by a tent :257R Granite St. Rockport, MA 01966

Price: $20.00 -$30.00

The Margie Gillis Dance Foundation presents an emotional night of solo and duet dance performances at Windhover Center for the Performing Arts, in Rockport MA, for two nights: August 9th and 10th  at 7:00pm. Join the iconic Margie Gillis, along with dancers from her Legacy Project, in a suspended moment in time that showcases their somatic and inspiring artistry. Don’t miss this highlight of the summer dance performance calendar!

Internationally acclaimed modern dancer/choreographer Margie Gillis has been creating original works for over 50 years. She is a dual citizen: Canadian and American. Margie has guested and choreographed with the Paul Taylor company. Her repertoire now includes more than 150 pieces, which she performs as solos, duets and group pieces. Her creations are wholly devoted to the study of the human soul, whether through the solo dances that make up most of her repertoire or the group pieces she has designed. All works in these performances are remounts of Margie Gillis’ original repertoire or have been created in collaboration with the artists of the Foundation’s Legacy Project. “Slipstream”  will be performed at Windhover by Adam Barruch.. It is an electrifying dance piece that was recently featured in Dance Magazine in an article titled: Masters of Brevity and can be found here:

The Margie Gillis Dance Foundation (MGDF) was established in 1981 and its mission is to implement Margie Gillis’ artistic vision, in addition to deploying her commitment to the arts community. The MGDF supports the creation, production, and dissemination of dance.

In 2018, the MGDF launched The Legacy Project, an initiative dedicated to ensuring the continuity of Margie Gillis’ creative history. Its mandate is to protect and promote Margie’s legacy through sharing and working along the next generation of dance artists. Six dancers will perform at Windhover including Margie Gillis, alongside Annmaria Mazzini who has performed previously at Windhover.

Purchase your tickets here: