Challenges in our Nursery — pat morss

Things are going well in some cases, but not so well in others.

REFRESHER: Our House Finches returned and she laid 5 eggs at our front door.
UPDATE: Looks like 2 growing chicks; hope the other 3 eggs hatch.
REFRESHER: Wrens trying to survive contractors, mail/newspaper deliveries, trash pickup.
UPDATE: No adults for 2 weeks; I slid out the nest to look; eggs appear abandoned.
We learned the male Mourning Dove tends the nest during the day.
And the female tends during the evening and night; here she’s taking over their 2 squabs.
Presumably dad, this morning, after feeding the kids; thunder storms then hit the nest.
Last evening a lone baby fawn crossed the lawn and looked for shelter.
It lay down, not yet taught to fear humans.
No sign of it this morning. Hope it was picked up by mom, not a coyote.
On a bright note, Eddy Egret met us at Niles Pond.
He flew ahead to his next fishing rock (he’s been fishing our low tide rocks too).
He greeted us when we caught up with him on our walk.

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