Jason Grow for Gloucester – Councilor At Large 2023 Political Statement

I ask for and appreciate your support in my reelection campaign for one of four At-Large seats on the Gloucester City Council.

I bring critical experience as a current At-Large Councilor and chair of Planning and Development, as well as a previous two-term Ward 1 Councilor serving at a time when our city was facing extremely difficult financial challenges.

We face some extraordinary challenges in our community as we reckon with the local impacts of climate change and the nationwide housing crisis. We can’t just shut the gate and pretend nothing will happen. How we manage the next couple of years of planning and decision making will determine whether we maintain a mixed community of all socioeconomic levels or become yet another beachside community for the affluent. We continue to need housing that is affordable for working and middle class people, our seniors and so importantly, our children and their families who will inherit the consequences of our choices. 

From passing the flood plane zoning ordinance to strengthening and enforcing inclusionary zoning so that every major housing development must contain deed restricted affordable housing, Iā€™m committed to making decisions today with an eye on our future. 

We continue to have infrastructure issues with our roads, our water delivery system and a looming Federally mandated secondary sewer treatment plant. And as always, in my heart and mind, are our schools and the ongoing need to provide our children with the best opportunities in life and education that we can.

Further we need to be a community that is inclusive, and safe, for our residents. Hate has no place in our community. As a liaison to the Gloucester Human Rights Commission, I will continue to support their efforts on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community, POC, immigrants and other marginalized people. We are a community of immigrants from our founding days 400 years ago. We have an obligation to welcome all who choose this island as their home.

Sarah and I raised our family in Gloucester and have thrived by virtue of the amazing community around us. Running for election serves both as a means of repaying that community, as well as helping to do my part to ensure that Gloucester remains a place where our next generation of young people can live and raise their families. 

For more info, please visit and like my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JG4Gloucester

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