Farewell White Elephant

Antiquing is one of our favorite pastimes. It tickles me to re-use items from my grandmother’s era. Essex is full of shops, but for one less now.  We will miss the White Elephant. It sure looks different now that it’s been sold and closed up.


It leaves a bit of a hole, but there are certainly other shops on our favorites list.  These include a couple in Essex such as Farmhouse Gatherings (not open often, but worth the stop) and the Flying Dragon. Keep your eye on the changing message in the window.


But our sentimental favorites are right on Main Street Gloucester: Main Street Art and Antiques is entertaining. I especially like to look at the old photos and photo albums. Dogtown Books might not technically be an antique store, but it remains at the top of my browsing list. I camp out in the local history corner of the store. I guess I just love spending time in the past! Thank you to all who mind and run these shops. I’m sure it’s an act of love.


One thought on “Farewell White Elephant

  1. Thanks Pat D memories here too!

    Well said and that is something that has always been another big draw “Antiquing.” We as kids used to go in woods along shore lines, digging for old bottles and things of this nature to bring there to Antique shops we had in Lanesville and Bayview as there were many old abandoned places in woods or where trash may have been thrown in the old days.

    Got us spare change for Penny Candy, Salt Water Taaffe, Comics, Baseball Cards and Gum, Cokes and Ding Dongs or Wise potato chips, Ice cream & Popsicles not health food and mom would not like us doing too much oh well we tried not to get caught!!!… 🙂 Dave & Kim 🙂

    Oh for the woods adventures:

    am the Sham & The Pharaohs – Li’l Red Riding Hood


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